Bankruptcy Attorney & Business Law Expert Team | DSLC Law

Dedicated & Focused

At the heart of our legal practice is our people. With a track record of successful cases, our strong pool of dedicated and experienced team is always on hand to serve our clients.

Rizky Dwinanto, S.H., M.H., M.M.

Managing Partner

Fetroki Rhomanda, S.H., M.H.


Khinanti Wulandari. S.H.

Senior Associate

Fakhira Meshara, S.H.


Raina Rafika, S.H., M.H.


Khinanti Wulandari. S.H.

Senior Associate

Dwinanto Strategic Legal Consultant


Khinanti graduated with a Bachelor of Laws with a concentration in business law. With 8 years of experience in the law firm industry, Khinanti has gained experience in Corporate and Compliance, Commercial Dispute and Litigation as well as Restructuring, Bankruptcy and PKPU.

Khinanti has also dealt with several corporate actions and corporate transactions including legal due diligence in the context of acquisitions, investments and shareholder interests, commercial agreements, as well as handling debtor or creditor restructuring in PKPU and Bankruptcy processes and company liquidation.

Practice Area

  • Bankruptcy and Suspension of Payment Obligation
  • Merger & Acquisitions
  • General Corporate and Commercial Law Practice
  • Manpower Law

Representative Legal Matters

Professional Associations and Memberships

  • Advocate licenses from Indonesia Advocate Association (PERADI)


  • Bachelor of Laws, Trisakti University (Cum Laude)


