Bankruptcy: An Exit Strategy in Facing Business Difficulties

In the dynamics of business, the word “bankruptcy” oftentimes becomes a scary thing for entrepreneurs. However, there is a safe mechanism behind bankruptcy that can help entrepreneurs get rid of the valley of financial distress as regulated in Law No. 37 of 2004 on Bankruptcy and Postponement of Debt Settlement Obligation (“UUK PKPU 37/2024”).

Bankruptcy is perceived to be the best and safest exit strategy to protect entrepreneurs themselves, their assets, as well as the company.

Why is that so? And what are the underlying factors that bankruptcy is the best exit strategy?

Read the latest DSLC article on bankruptcy that can become an effective exit strategy to protect entrepreneurs along with their assets.


DSLC Article - Kebangkrutan: Exit Strategy dalam Menghadapi Kesulitan Bisnis

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