Kemudahan untuk Berbisnis di Indonesia: Apa yang Harus Dilakukan Investor Asing

Indonesia is a perfect country for foreign investor to expand their business and networking channel. However, before expanding their business in Indonesia, the foreign investor must firstly ensure that the business will be protected by mitigating the legal risks that might occurred. As part of our efforts to create preventive and easy-to-understand values from complex legal issues, in this publication, we include our suggestions and recommendations on the measure to protect and mitigate the legal risks which may be enforce by the foreign investor for their business entities. 



The article is available in English language. Please consider that this article is provided for general discussion only and is not intended as legal advice or legal opinion. 



The Ease of Doing Business in Indonesia: What Foreign Investor Should Do

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Tim pengacara kami di Dwinanto Strategic Legal Consultant berkomitmen untuk mencapai hasil terbaik bagi klien kami melalui strategi yang terukur untuk memitigasi biaya dan risiko terlebih dahulu. Karena, kami yakin selalu ada solusi sebagai jawaban atas permasalahan kompleks klien kami.